All your reads in one place

Up your reading game

Tired of missing out on your favorite content from all over the web? Our application brings the world of publishing platforms to your fingertips. With a Stay up-to-date with the latest articles, news, and blogs from all your beloved sources.

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Start your reading journey today

With our app, you can access and read content from all your preferred sources in one convenient place. Say goodbye to the hassle of checking multiple websites and hello to a seamless reading experience.

Follow RSS Feeds

Stay updated with your favorite websites and blogs by easily following RSS feeds. Simply enter the feed URL, and our app will regularly fetch the latest articles and updates, so you never miss a thing.

Organize Feeds with Folders


Keep your RSS feeds neatly organized with the power of folders. Create customized categories to group similar feeds together, making it a breeze to manage and access your content.

Search Feed Posts


Our RSS reader app offers a powerful search function that allows you to find specific articles or topics within your feeds quickly. No need to scroll endlessly; just type in your keywords, and we'll fetch the relevant results in an instant.

Summarize Posts with AI


Take the hassle out of digesting lengthy articles with our AI-powered summarization feature. We'll automatically condense articles into concise, easy-to-read summaries, so you can quickly grasp the main points without having to read the entire article. It's the perfect tool for staying informed in a time-efficient manner.

Your one-stop content hub.
Avaialable now.
